AccueilSecteursEconomieOlam Agri Champions Sustainable Development with Bekoko Public School Renovation and Waste...

Olam Agri Champions Sustainable Development with Bekoko Public School Renovation and Waste Management Initiatives


In a significant move to improve the infrastructure at Bekoko Public School, Olam Agri has renovated the school’s toilet facilities, which had been completely abandoned. This renovation addresses a critical need for over 1,000 students who previously had no proper sanitation facilities. The newly refurbished toilets will ensure that students have a clean and safe place to attend to their needs, thereby enhancing their overall school experience. Additionally, Olam Agri has undertaken the task of spreading pozzoland soil and leveling the school compound. This initiative will prevent water interference, making it easier for students to access the school campus, especially during the rainy season.

Beyond infrastructure improvements, Olam Agri has launched a comprehensive back-to-school waste management project in three schools—Bekoko Public School, Ecole Maternelle et Primaire Bilingue SMART Babenga, and Arc en Ciel Bwadibo. This project includes the installation of waste bins and a month-long training program throughout September, aimed at educating students on effective waste management practices. By instilling these habits at an early age, it aims to drive awareness and foster a culture of sustainability among students, teachers, and the wider community.

“Olam Agri is dedicated to innovating for a more sustainable and cleaner future,” said Veeresh Mallikarjun Hiremath, Senior Vice President & Country Head at Olam Agri in Cameroon. “Our efforts in renovating Bekoko Public School and promoting waste management practices in local schools reflect our commitment to creating a positive impact on the communities we serve.”

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