AccueilSecteursAgricultureOlam Agri Cameroon marks World Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Olam Agri Cameroon marks World Breast Cancer Awareness Month


In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Olam Agri in Cameroon, launched a week-long awareness campaign to spread knowledge on breast cancer, its preventive measures, and ways to combat the disease. The campaign included various activities highlighting the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle, methods of prevention, early detection, screening and a donation exercise.

It kicked off with a virtual health talk that featured an eye–opening session with Akwi Anjoh, a breast cancer survivor who shared her inspirational story of struggling with and overcoming the disease. We also had some health tips admonishing both men and women to have regular checks of their breasts by Dr Ojong Samuel from the Ministry of Public Health in Cameroon. Female employees had an opportunity to be screened on all our work sites.

Activities were crowned with a donation at Hôpital Laquintinie in Douala on Wednesday 26th October to support breast cancer patients. Speaking during the presentation, Mr Vibhay Chauhan Vice President and Business Head – Rice, expressed gratitude to the cancer unit for their tremendous work in treating and supporting patients and reaffirmed Olam Agri’s commitment supporting the course of cancer treatment and awareness.

A group of our employees visited each ward with personalised items, drinking water as well as cash gifts to support the patients in their medical bills.

Média multi-support édité par l’Agence Rhéma Service, cabinet de communication et de stratégie basé à Douala, Business & Finance International regroupe des partenaires internationaux issus du monde des médias, des affaires et de la politique, mus par la volonté de fournir une information vraie, crédible et exploitable pour un investissement sûr en Afrique.


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